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Promoting Optimal Mental Wellbeing in Dogs & Cats

Updated on
February 26, 2024
A pet owner patting dog and cat for mental health
Veterinary Chris Hong
Dr Christopher Hong
Senior Veterinary B.SC, B.COMM, B.V.SC N9882
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Sydney’s Northern Beaches region – from Manly and Dee Why up to Narrabeen, Newport, Avalon Beach, and Palm Beach – is a paradise of sun, surf, and sand. It’s natural to want to share this beautiful coastline with your dog. A beach day can be a fun adventure for pets and owners alike, but it also comes with unique risks. Ensuring pet safety at the beach is important year-round, whether it’s the heat of summer or the milder winter days. This guide will walk you through common beach hazards for pets, safe beach practices, and emergency contacts.

Understanding Beach Risks for Pets

A day at the beach isn’t all fun and games for our pets – there are real hazards to be mindful of. Being aware of these beach risks is the first step to preventing them:

Heatstroke and Sunburn

The Northern Beaches sun can be harsh. Dogs can overheat quickly, since they don’t sweat like humans. Running on soft sand and under direct sun increases the risk of heatstroke. Watch for warning signs like excessive panting, distress, weakness, confusion, or collapsing . Hot sand can also burn sensitive paw pads. Additionally, dogs can get sunburnt on areas like the nose, ears, and belly.

Dehydration and Saltwater Ingestion

Playing under the sun means pets can dehydrate quickly. Unfortunately, thirsty dogs might lap up seawater, which is unsafe. Ingesting saltwater can lead to salt toxicity – causing vomiting, diarrhea, weakness, seizures, or worse. The ocean water also contains bacteria and parasites that can upset your dog’s stomach. Salt poisoning is a serious risk; even a few gulps of seawater can make a dog ill. Always remember that salt water dehydrates rather than hydrates.

Jellyfish and Marine Pests

Northern Beaches waters sometimes carry marine stingers like bluebottles. Dogs, being curious, can get stung by jellyfish washed up on shore or floating in shallow water. A jellyfish sting causes sharp pain and irritation at the site, and poisonous jellyfish (or bluebottles) can lead to severe reactions – swelling of the face, drooling, wobbliness, hives, or even anaphylactic shock. Such symptoms require immediate veterinary attention. Other sea creatures can be dangerous too: the area occasionally sees puffer fish washing up. These fish contain tetrodotoxin, a potent toxin, and if a dog mouths or eats a dead puffer fish it can be deadly. Always keep an eye out for hazardous marine life like jellyfish, puffer fish, or even stingrays in the water.

Sand and Beach Debris

Beaches may look clean, but they can hide dangers in the sand. Dogs that love to dig or fetch sandy toys might ingest sand, which can cause a blockage in the intestines (called sand impaction). Signs of sand impaction include vomiting, abdominal pain, constipation, and lethargy – a condition that needs urgent vet treatment. Sharp objects are another concern: broken shells, glass, or rocks can cut paw pads. Likewise, be cautious of discarded fishing hooks and line on fishing-friendly beaches. An old fish hook with bait can easily snag in a dog’s mouth or foot, causing serious injury. If a hook gets embedded, do not pull it out yourself – keep your dog calm and get to a vet. Also, don’t let your dog scavenge things like dead fish or seaweed; these can contain toxins and result in vomiting and diarrhoea or cause gastrointestinal blockages.

Beach Hydration Challenge

Which dog needs more water at the beach on a warm day?

Spot the Hidden Beach Danger

Which of these beach situations is MOST dangerous for your dog?

By understanding these risks – from heatstroke to jellyfish stings – you can take steps to prevent them. Next, we’ll cover how to keep your pet safe while enjoying the beach.

Safe Beach Practices for Dogs

Preparation and vigilance are key to a dog-friendly beach outing. Here are some safe beach practices to protect your pet:

Keep Your Dog Hydrated

Always bring plenty of fresh water and a collapsible bowl for your dog. Offer water frequently, before your pup gets thirsty. This discourages them from drinking saltwater. Make a habit of taking water breaks every 15-20 minutes, especially on hot days or if your dog is running around. If you notice them panting a lot, take a break in the shade with water. Keeping your dog well-hydrated will help prevent overheating and replace fluids lost through panting.

Provide Shade and Avoid Midday Sun

Plan your beach trips for cooler parts of the day (early morning or late afternoon) to avoid extreme heat. Bring a beach umbrella or pop-up tent so your dog has a shady spot to rest. A cooling mat or a wet towel for them to lie on can also help. Remember that if it’s a scorching day, even the sand can be painful – do the “five-second test” with your hand or foot on the sand; if it’s too hot for you, it’s too hot for your dog’s paws . On very sunny days, consider applying pet-safe sunscreen to your dog’s nose, ears, and any thin-furred areas (never use zinc or human sunscreens that can be toxic to pets). Taking these precautions will help your dog stay cool and avoid sunburn or heat stress.

Supervise and Swim Safely

Beach time is play time, but always keep a close eye on your dog. Maintain “effective control” – meaning your dog comes when called and stays in sight. If your dog isn’t a strong swimmer or is unfamiliar with the ocean, don’t force them in. Even natural swimmers can tire or get caught in currents. If you do let your dog swim, use a doggie life vest for added safety, and keep them within a safe distance from shore. Be extra cautious on days with strong surf or rips; a big wave can easily knock a dog over or pull them out. And just as you would with a child, never turn your back on your dog near water. Dogs can get into trouble quickly in the surf – unlike people, they can’t shout or wave for help if they’re in distress. They may keep swimming until exhausted or panicked , so constant supervision is a must. Staying alert (and off your phone) ensures you can respond if your pup seems to be struggling or goes somewhere they shouldn’t.

Prevent and Respond to Emergencies

Pack a basic pet first-aid kit when heading to the beach. This could include items like bandages, antiseptic wipes, tweezers (for splinters or stray hooks), and saline wash for eyes. If your dog gets a minor cut on their paw, clean it with fresh water and protect it until you can properly treat it. For a jellyfish sting, gently flush the area with seawater (not fresh water, which can activate more venom) and remove any tentacles with a towel or stick – avoid using your bare hands. You can soothe the sting with lukewarm water, but immediate vet care is recommended if you see any swelling or severe reaction. In case of heatstroke signs (panting, weakness, drooling), act fast: move your dog to a cooler area or shade, offer small amounts of water to drink, and wet their coat with cool (not ice-cold) water especially on the belly and paws. Then get veterinary help right away. It’s wise to have the number of a local vet or emergency vet saved in your phone. A quick call can provide life-saving instructions on the spot. Lastly, always rinse your dog off with fresh water after your beach day. This washes away salt, sand, and any nasties in their fur, and prevents your dog from licking irritants off their coat when you get home.

Surprising Swimming Facts

True or False: All retriever breeds are naturally excellent swimmers and safe in ocean water.

Sun Protection Quiz

Which of these dog sun protection methods is ineffective or potentially harmful?

By following these practices – staying hydrated, avoiding peak heat, supervising swimming, and being prepared to give first aid – you’ll greatly reduce the risks and ensure your pup stays safe and happy during the outing.

Emergency Vet Services on the Northern Beaches

Despite our best efforts, accidents and emergencies can happen. If your dog gets injured or falls ill during a beach trip (from things like heatstroke, ingesting something toxic, or a bad cut), it’s crucial to know where to turn for immediate veterinary help.

Local Daytime Vets

In less critical situations or during working hours, you might take your dog to your nearest vet clinic. We at Vet-O Brookvale can handle urgent care during the day. We will often be available up until 10pm during the week and in the mornings from 7:30am. There’s also other vets nearby for locations further away from Brookvale. If an incident happens during 9-5, a local vet can often see your pet immediately or advise you if you should go straight to an emergency hospital.

Emergency & after-hours

However, if you suspect a life-threatening problem (such as heatstroke, difficulty breathing, seizures, or major trauma), it’s often best to head directly to a 24-hour emergency facility like SASH Northern Beaches – 24/7 Emergency Hospital (Balgowlah) or Northside Emergency Veterinary Service (NEVS – Terrey Hills) where a full team is ready.

Tip: Always call the vet clinic or emergency hospital on the way if you can. This allows the veterinary staff to prepare for your arrival and give you any first-aid instructions over the phone. In critical situations like suspected tick paralysis (common on the Northern Beaches), snakebite, or severe allergic reactions, minutes can make a difference.

Final Tips

After every beach visit, it’s a good idea to give your dog a thorough rinse to remove salt and sand (and check their fur for any burrs or ticks picked up in coastal bushland – the Northern Beaches is known for paralysis ticks, so ensure your dog is on tick prevention year-round). 

Keep your dog’s vet visits and vaccinations up to date, so they’re in top shape for outdoor adventures. 

Enjoy the beach, stay safe, and wag on!

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